Plant. Grow. Harvest. Share.

Mustard Seed Grants help start or sustain community projects that reflect the Gathering Church’s mission to love others incredibly well as Jesus did. We believe that financially supporting your local community service ideas will share joy, blessing, and renewal.

We hope these grants, funded by congregational giving, will inspire thoughtful and enthusiastic service and expand our ability to connect with the world around us.

  • Any group, family, or individual affiliated with the Gathering Church, including children under eighteen with the co-application of an adult eighteen or older.

    Grants may be awarded to existing nonprofit organizations, if a person or group from the congregation has a sustained relationship with the organization and the funds are directed to a specific project or intention (i.e. not a general donation).

  • Projects selected will articulate creative alignment with Gathering Church vision statements.

    Funding preference will be given to initiatives that: allow for broad congregational involvement, innovatively invest in and engage the church’s community (the more local, the better—but don’t let that dissuade your international ideas), and/or display the potential to grow, evolve, and be fruitful beyond the initial kick-start.

    We will accept grant applications on an ongoing basis and funding decisions will be made by a team 2-3 times annually.

  • Grants awarded will range up to $2,000. Grants are made possible by the generous giving of the Gathering Church congregation.


We want to share a few of the Mustard Seed Grants funded by your generous giving.

Kimberly Rose Album

Produced an EP telling the story of a path to peace while incarcerated.


Funded a student’s trip to serve with a Guatemalan art camp for kids.

Meek Squad Album

Produced a worship album created by and for friends of all abilities.

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed…

What seed of an idea has God planted in you? How might God nurture and grow your idea with our support?