This Fourth of July weekend is a good time to consider what it means to be salt and light in a nation like ours.

This Fourth of July weekend is a good time to consider what it means to be salt and light in a nation like ours.

That is what Jesus has called us to be. (Matthew 5:13-16)

Ironically, the Christian faith was not born in a democracy, and it had a world view that transcended every possible form of government.

How do we seek God’s kingdom in an election year?

Cant’ we just ignore it all?

What does God want of us?

Micah 6:1-8 answers that question directly. Surprisingly, doing a bunch of religious and spiritual things does not seem to be all that important.

This Sunday at the Gathering Church I will teach on The Politics of Faith.

An added bonus: I will tell you how to vote this fall.

I hope to see you this Sunday.
