The Confidence That What We Are Doing Really Matters

The Confidence That What We Are Doing Really Matters

Have you ever seen a group of four-year-olds eating Italian ice with a wooden spoon?

Focus and intensity. That’s what you see.

As I entered a room full of kids who couldn’t believe their good fortune to get the upgraded Vacation Bible School snack I was looking forward to interacting with some of them.

But not a single kid looked up or responded to my greeting. Actually, one did, but he shot me a “Get lost!” glance, like, “Can’t you see that I’m eating an Italian ice?!”

The other day, though, I saw a child eating a popsicle. One on a stick. However, he was so distracted by everything around him that his popsicle was melting all over his hand and dripping on the ground.

This Sunday at the Gathering Church, I will conclude the summer message series, Free for Freedom: Removing Roadblocks to Life With God.  In 1 Corinthians 5:58, the apostle Paul says that we should always “give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord.”

Check out 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 to get the context of a passage that says that in the end very few things will really matter.

How is it possible to have a life given fully to what God has in mind when there are so many demands on us?

How is it possible to reduce the fragmented craziness of our lives so that we have the confidence that what we are doing really matters?

As we sense the excitement of the Fall, new beginnings and new opportunities, how can we have a focus and intensity that doesn’t merely add more pressure to our lives but puts everything in its right perspective?

Let’s learn together this Sunday.