Sometimes you just don’t know what you have.

Sometimes you just don’t know what you have.

Like Tyronn Lue, the head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers, the National Basketball World Champions from last year.

He says that he has the hardest job of any coach in the NBA.

Hmmm . . .

He has three of the best players in the whole league on his team, starting with LeBron James, one of the best players of all time.

Any coach would trade teams with him – except maybe Steve Kerr.

Somehow, he is missing the best experience that a coach could have.

He does not know how good he has it.

This Sunday at the Gathering Church we will do our best to understand how good we have it when we know Christ.

We will continue the series, Confidence in God, from Romans 8:28-39, focusing on verses 8:29-31.

The apostle Paul asks a question that only has one answer: If God is for us, who can be against us?

What keeps us from realizing that God is for us?

Why is it easy to live as if that is not true?

What happens when we lean into that reality?

Will you let God be for you?

I hope to see you this Sunday.

Also, Lee Anderson will begin as our new music director. Come meet him and show your support.
