Gathering Church

  • Perspective

    By on November 14, 2016

    Mark Acuff 11/13/16 Acts 4:23-31 Listen to the podcast

    The Gathering Church
  • Hearing God: When There’s Only Noise

    By on October 31, 2016

    Mark Acuff 10/30/16 I Kings 19:9b-13a Listen to the podcast

    The Gathering Church
  • Hearing God: Prayer

    By on October 18, 2016

    Richella Parham 10/16/16 Luke 24:13-32 Listen to the podcast

    The Gathering Church
  • Hearing God: Worship

    By on October 13, 2016

    Mark Acuff 10/09/16 Isaiah 6:1-8 Listen to the podcast

    The Gathering Church
  • Hearing God: Through Relationship

    By on October 4, 2016

    Mark Acuff 10/02/16 Colossians 3:15-17 Listen to the podcast

    The Gathering Church