Sharing Our Stories: Evan Talbert (All Church)

Sharing Our Stories: Evan Talbert (All Church)
Gathering Church
Gathering Church
Sharing Our Stories: Evan Talbert (All Church)


Evan Talbert

Psalm 71:14-18/ Acts 2:36-47

Worship Gathering Live Stream Videos

This was an All Church Worship Service. Kids and youth stayed in worship, and we split in small groups to connect over the following questions:

  1. If cost and time were no issue, what food or drink would you bring to share at our next potluck?
  2. What spiritual practices help you build community? (If you need some help here, you might think back to our “Practicing Our Faith” series: sabbath, silence, fellowship, confession, prayer, creation care, resistance, testimony, study, celebration, service, gratitude, fasting, calling)
  3. Who is someone either from the Bible or from your community that inspires/encourages you?
  4. Acts 2:43 says “Awe came upon everyone.” What is something that you are in awe of?
  5. What do you find most difficult about sharing?


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