

This Sunday we join with Christians around the world and through the centuries to celebrate what is known as Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday. – Luke 19:28-40

It began the week that would end with his crucifixion and resurrection.

We will sing what the Jews coming for Passover sang, Hosanna!

When we say that Hebrew word we are praying: Lord, save us.

Hosanna was one of the most frequent prayers in the Psalms. In Psalm 118:25-29, the people of God were absolutely clear about their need for God.

They knew that they could not save themselves.

What they were not so clear about was how God might answer that prayer.

Sadly, some of the same people who celebrated the coming of Jesus were shouting something else by the end of the week.

Crucify him!

This Sunday at the Gathering Church let’s open our hearts to understand the fullness of God’s salvation.

What does God want to do through Christ to save us? To save the world?

This Sunday let us begin our Holy Week celebration.
