
  • The Most Important Role of All

    By on December 11, 2009

    You probably won’t volunteer for the best thing that God wants to do t hrough your life.  Most people...

    The Gathering Church
  • How God Does It

    By on December 7, 2009

    I had a neighbor and friend who is a college assistant football coach.  (I would have overdosed on college...

    The Gathering Church
  • A Lesson from Tiger

    By on December 2, 2009

    Ever since the Homeland Security department was set up after 9/11 the U.S. government and law enforcement have tried...

    The Gathering Church
  • Disappointment

    By on November 30, 2009

    You know the old ‘glass half empty/glass half full’ indicator for being a pessimist or an optimist?  What if...

    The Gathering Church
  • Alternative Stories in a World of Noise

    By on November 26, 2009

    This Friday we will begin a season of Advent waiting by meditating on Luke 1:5-25. This passage is the...

    The Gathering Church