
  • The Super Bowl

    By on February 5, 2010

    If you hate sports and pastors who use sports analogies, well, then you’re probably not reading this anyway, unless...

    The Gathering Church
  • Ego or Zeal?

    By on February 3, 2010

    How motivated do you have to be to risk your life for a goal?  And what would motivate you? ...

    The Gathering Church
  • Preview and Input

    By on February 2, 2010

    Sermon input day – but since service got canceled last Sunday, I’m still looking at the same topic:  What...

    The Gathering Church
  • A Good Question

    By on February 1, 2010

    It’s great to have a snow day, especially in NC, where it is rare.  The instant change of pace,...

    The Gathering Church
  • Services Cancelled – Jan 31

    By on January 30, 2010

    Okay, I was skeptical when I got the email from the Durham Public Schools on Friday morning, announcing that...

    The Gathering Church