
  • Preview and Input

    By on February 16, 2010

    Libby and I first met Ben when he was fourteen.  His mother made him come to the Sunday School...

    The Gathering Church
  • A Stranger Asked Me to Dance

    By on February 15, 2010

    “Would you like to dance?”, asked the woman standing near me. “Sure,” I awkwardly replied, undoubtedly failing at my...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – Feb 14

    By on February 13, 2010

    Valentine’s Day.  I’m resisting doing anything sappy or cheesy to spiritualize this Hallmark occasion.  So, there will be no...

    The Gathering Church
  • Prepared

    By on February 10, 2010

    “We knew that he was going to motion down with the inverted split.  And once he motioned down, we...

    The Gathering Church
  • Preview and Input

    By on February 9, 2010

    Today is sermon preview and input day.  The topic for this coming Sunday: What Do We Most Need to...

    The Gathering Church