
  • This Sunday – Jan 23

    By on January 21, 2011

    Together   That’s a powerful word.  Not enough of an experience in most of our lives, I suspect.  We...

    The Gathering Church
  • 1.16.11 – Disciples: Go, Make, Baptize

    By on January 16, 2011

    Gathering Church Sermon Podcast | Mark Acuff | Matthew 28:17-20 http://www.allgather.org/wp-content/uploads/audio/gc2011_01_16.mp3

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – Jan 16

    By on January 14, 2011

    I don’t want to be too busy to miss this. Or worse, I don’t want to be too cynical....

    The Gathering Church
  • 1.09.11 – Loved By God and Called

    By on January 9, 2011

    Gathering Church Sermon Podcast | Mark Acuff | Romans 1:1-7 http://www.allgather.org/wp-content/uploads/audio/gc2011_01_09.mp3

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – Jan 9

    By on January 7, 2011

    A homeless man from Columbus, Ohio is the hottest media star this week.  If you’ve seen any news or...

    The Gathering Church