
  • 03.13.11 – Pivot Point: The Healing of the Paralytic

    By on March 13, 2011

    Gathering Church Sermon Podcast | Mark Acuff | Mark 2:1-12 http://www.allgather.org/wp-content/uploads/audio/gc2011_03_13.mp3

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – March 13

    By on March 11, 2011

    (Don't forget, move your clock up.)   Friends.   Do a quick inventory.   Who cares about how you...

    The Gathering Church
  • Ash Wednesday: “Teach us to care and not to care…”

    By on March 8, 2011

    Growing up going to Catholic school, it never really occurred to me how odd it is that so many...

    The Gathering Church
  • A Sign of Growth

    By on March 7, 2011

    Recently I have been doing a lot of research and reading about spiritual growth.  Like, how does a person...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – March 6

    By on March 4, 2011

    A friend of mine who is not a Christian thinks that church is for lemmings.  Remember those little critters...

    The Gathering Church