
  • Why a Wedding?

    By on April 7, 2011

    I’m still stuck on that. Read back through Mark 2:18-22.  Why, when asked about rule-keeping and rule-breaking, does Jesus...

    The Gathering Church
  • Tuesday’s Song – “Don Quixote” by Gordon Lightfoot

    By on April 5, 2011

     Looking back on last week's scripture (Mark 3:12-19) and ahead the scripture we are reading for this week, it...

    The Gathering Church
  • Unlikely

    By on April 4, 2011

    “If all it takes is sociology to explain  your church, then you are probably not much of a new...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – April 3

    By on April 2, 2011

    “They need the Lord in their house.”   It was a powerful statement, said so matter-of-factly, but with such...

    The Gathering Church
  • “that they might be with him and that he might send them out…”

    By on March 31, 2011

    This Sunday, we continue to follow Mark’s narrative of Jesus’ ministry (Mark 3:7-21).  Fresh off the heals of Jesus’...

    The Gathering Church