
  • Why Sing?

    By on May 13, 2011

    This Sunday I have the privilege of continuing the theme that we’ve been hitting on post-Easter.  The resurrection is...

    The Gathering Church
  • Derailed

    By on May 12, 2011

    Sitting in church during Mark’s sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22 last Sunday, I was distracted in my thoughts by a...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – May 8

    By on May 6, 2011

    They were part of something that had never existed.   It was nearly impossible to categorize, difficult to explain. ...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – New Series

    By on April 29, 2011

    Experience is everything.   All week I have been cynical every time something about the Royal Wedding came on...

    The Gathering Church
  • He Is Risen!

    By on April 23, 2011

    Most Easters it seems strange to me.  That we’re still talking about this carpenter’s son from an obscure village...

    The Gathering Church