
  • 08.07.11 – “You Give Them Something To Eat.”

    By on August 7, 2011

    Gathering Church Sermon Podcast | Chris Breslin | Mark 6:30-44 http://www.allgather.org/wp-content/uploads/audio/gc2011_08_07.mp3

    The Gathering Church
  • Sunday Preview | August 7

    By on August 5, 2011

    30 The apostles returned to Jesus and told him everything they had done and taught. 31 Many people were...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – August 7

    By on August 5, 2011

    Have you ever seen one of those “hoarder shows” on TV?   They’re kind of fascinating, but they’re also...

    The Gathering Church
  • Sunday Preview | July 31

    By on July 29, 2011

    14 Herod the king heard about these things, because the name of Jesus had become well-known. Some were saying,...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – July 31

    By on July 29, 2011

    I lie every time I sing a certain hymn.   And to compound it, it’s one of my favorite...

    The Gathering Church