Sunday Preview

  • December 8

    By on December 5, 2013

    At one time you were like a dead person because of the things you did wrong and your offenses...

    The Gathering Church
  • December 1

    By on November 27, 2013

    Whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction so that we could have hope through endurance...

    The Gathering Church
  • November 24

    By on November 21, 2013

    View the .pdf of Songs & Announcements.

    The Gathering Church
  • November 17

    By on November 13, 2013

    About that time, while the number of disciples continued to increase, a complaint arose. Greek-speaking disciples accused the Aramaic-speaking...

    The Gathering Church
  • November 10

    By on November 6, 2013

    The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people. They would come together regularly at Solomon’s Porch. No...

    The Gathering Church