Sunday Preview

  • Mar 23

    By on March 19, 2014

    “Death and resurrection are what the story is about and had we but eyes to see it, this has...

    The Gathering Church
  • Mar 16

    By on March 13, 2014

    “A story is a way to say something that can’t be said any other way, and it takes every...

    The Gathering Church
  • Mar 9

    By on March 6, 2014

    “I have come to know a God who has a soft spot for rebels, who recruits people like the...

    The Gathering Church
  • Mar 2

    By on February 27, 2014

    “Know the story you profess to be participating in. Know it well and tell it with enthusiasm. Tell it...

    The Gathering Church
  • Feb 23

    By on February 13, 2014

    “It is not primarily our minds that are captivated but rather our imaginations that are captured, and when our imagination is...

    The Gathering Church