Pastor’s Note

  • This Sunday – Feb 3

    By on February 1, 2013

    A confession. I’ve never liked the Beatitudes. The ‘Blessed’ statements in what is known as the Sermon on the...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – January 20

    By on January 18, 2013

    “Thy kingdom come …” I wonder how many times I prayed that when I was growing up and didn’t...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – Jan 13

    By on January 11, 2013

    Recently I was at a neighbor’s birthday party and was talking to another neighbor about his job. Turns out...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – Jan 6

    By on January 4, 2013

    Verbs. At the beginning of a New Year it is a good exercise to consider what verbs you want...

    The Gathering Church
  • This Sunday – Dec 30

    By on December 28, 2012

    Have you ever known someone whose world gets turned upside down by the slightest difficulty? Who seems to have...

    The Gathering Church