Pastor’s Note

  • That Explains A Lot

    By on March 12, 2015

    Have you ever wondered why we make some choices that are not so good for us? This Sunday at the...

    The Gathering Church
  • Guest Speaker

    By on March 5, 2015

    This Sunday the Gathering Church will have a guest speaker, Greg Moyer.  Greg and his wife, Tara, are members...

    The Gathering Church
  • Service at Oak Church this Sunday

    By on February 27, 2015

    The snow from this week has made Creekside Elementary School unavailable to the Gathering Church.  All are invited to...

    The Gathering Church
  • Beginnings Matter

    By on February 20, 2015

    This Sunday at the Gathering Church the series, Beginnings Matters, a study of the first chapters of Genesis, will...

    The Gathering Church
  • Tragedy

    By on February 12, 2015

    Our community has experienced a tragedy this week in the murder of three students.  We join with their families...

    The Gathering Church