Pastor’s Note

  • A Good Life

    By on April 17, 2015

    New York Times columnist David Brooks is trying to make a point that every pastor wants to make: a...

    The Gathering Church
  • The First Time

    By on April 9, 2015

    Last Sunday’s Easter celebration was great, as friends and families came together to proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. ...

    The Gathering Church
  • Good Friday and Easter Services

    By on April 1, 2015

    Please join us this week as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! On Good...

    The Gathering Church
  • Behind the Curtain

    By on March 26, 2015

    All over the world, Christians will be celebrating Palm Sunday this weekend, remembering the triumphal entry of Jesus into...

    The Gathering Church
  • Paradise Lost

    By on March 20, 2015

    Most of us have a Frustration Gauge and a Gratitude Gauge on our Personal-Life Dashboard.  Or perhaps they are...

    The Gathering Church