Tonight – Good Friday

Tonight – Good Friday

The cross.


John Stott, in Why I Am a Christian, notes how unusual it was for the first Christians to choose a cross as their primary symbol.  In the Roman and Jewish culture it was a horrible symbol of shame.


They could have chosen something else.  A manger to express the humility of Jesus coming as a baby.  A carpenter’s bench.  A boat from which he taught and calmed the storm.  A loaf of bread as a symbol of the life he gives.  A throne to show his majesty.  A dove or flame to symbolize the Giver of the Holy Spirit.


But they chose the cross.


Tonight at 7:00 we gather at Extraordinary Ventures, 200 South Elliot Road in Chapel Hill to have a service of remembering the death of Christ.  This Good Friday service is always special and we have found it to be essential to pause, read, sing, pray, reflect, take of the bread and cup.


Of all days, this day should not be ordinary. 


Come and remember the love that changes everything.