This Sunday – New Series

This Sunday – New Series

Experience is everything.


All week I have been cynical every time something about the Royal Wedding came on the news, which seemed like all the time.  The terrible storms in the south kept it from being the only story.


But, then, just two minutes of watching the coverage of the event changed my attitude.  I have to admit that there was a glory and a majesty in the way William walked his bride down the aisle that expressed what God had in mind when he created us.


Something that I easily dismissed now captured my best thoughts because, even remotely, I now experienced it.


The first Christians didn’t just talk about the resurrection of Jesus – they experienced it.  Their lives were changed.


This Sunday we will begin to look at some of the changes that occur when people experience the power of Jesus’ resurrection.  In Ephesians 2:1-11 we will discover that even the way we see ourselves changes. 


What happens when our identity gets shaped by grace instead of performance?


A lot.


I’m eager to teach about it this  Sunday.