This Sunday – June 9

This Sunday – June 9

“Dad, our family never talked much about loss, right?”

Questions like this from your adult children don’t tend to make you feel good. And feeling good was pretty high on our family agenda.

“Loss?”  “What loss?”  I thought.

Sure, we had moved a few times, lost a pet or two, and each kid had encountered various disappointments.

But, what’s the point of crying over spilled milk? Right?

This Sunday at the Gathering Church begins a new message series, Free for Freedom: Removing Roadblocks to Life with God.

Many of us want a fuller life with God. Others of us have been so numbed by the circumstances of our lives that we really don’t have much expectation about really experiencing God. All of us experience loss and disappointment that can quietly block us from finding joy, purpose and hope in God.

How do you handle loss? Ignore it? Shrug it off? Get motivated by it? Get resentful?

Emotional and spiritual health depend on how we deal with loss. And Christians in sometimes be the most dishonest people on the planet when it comes to loss.

This Sunday, Job, the expert on loss will teach us something. Check out his loss described in Job 19:1-27.  We’re not going to dig a pit of losses this Sunday.  Rather, we are going to allow God to do some road construction.

Actually, God calls that healing.