This Sunday – Feb 24

This Sunday – Feb 24

My first impression of Jim was not a good one.

He was yelling at his nine-year-old son for not paying attention during a youth basketball game. Jim’s face was red with rage, his eyes wide open. He looked like he wanted to strangle his kid.

What a jerk, I thought to myself.

Weeks later some circumstances brought Jim and me together and we became friends. Jim had shelved the faith he had been taught as a child, but now being a parent he had become curious about the possible relevance of God.

Months later Jim became convinced that the things taught about God and Jesus in the Bible were true. He came to realize that he needed the kind of life-change and direction that only Jesus could make happen, and pretty much like the first step in a Twelve Step Program, Jim surrendered the control of his life to the leadership of Christ.

Today Jim is not a perfect person, but without doubt he is a different person. He is known to be one of the most loving, and kind people one can meet. Step into his house and you will immediately sense that you are in a remarkable place of peace.

Interestingly, when Jesus invites people to experience God’s kingdom he indicates that the first change one will experience will have to do with anger, how one experiences and expresses anger.

At the Gathering Church this Sunday I continue the series, At Hand: Jesus’ Teaching on Living Well. From Matthew 5:21-27 in what is known as the Sermon on the Mount, we see Jesus get very practical right off the bat.

What is so damaging and deadly about anger? How is anger so easily disguised that we usually miss its causes and effects? Why does Jesus start with anger when he wants people to have the heart of God’s kingdom?

This Sunday.