This Sunday – 30 Days

This Sunday – 30 Days

30 Days of Focus:  Learning to Love on Purpose


This Sunday I will begin a message series that will be more than a message series.  It will begin a 30-day focus, concluding the Sunday before Thanksgiving that will attempt to apply some very specific instructions that Jesus gave.


What would happen if a group of people became very intentional about loving people they see every day?


What new habits could put reality to that focused intent?


How might others experience the goodness of God because we grew our capacity to care for them?


In Matthew 9:35-38 Jesus gave a very specific instruction about how to join God in loving others.


Most announcements about new message series are aimed at the welfare of the hearers.  Not this one.  This isn’t about your welfare.  This is about someone else’s.  Someone else will benefit if you listen and act.


This Sunday I will introduce the 5 Habits that will help us do what Jesus says.


What might happen? 


Let’s see.