Learning the Gift

Learning the Gift

I wonder how many of us got a tablet for Christmas, like an iPad or Galaxy?

It’s the kind of gift that you have to learn something in order to use it, although it’s pretty simple.  It’s a kind of gift that puts you in the position to keep learning new things as you explore what you can do with it.  In no time you will be doing things that would have been unimaginable a few years ago.

Learning the gift is the key.

This last Sunday of 2013 at the Gathering Church, we are going to learn more about why the coming of Christ is described as God giving us a gift.  Read Romans 8:28-32 to see an example.

Spiritual life is about learning what the gift is and what it does.  The writer of Romans, the Apostle Paul, wants his readers to know exactly what they have in Christ.

If they do they can face the toughest challenges.  They can also live with a confidence and boldness that cannot be explained apart from God “giving them all things.”

Let’s keep celebrating the coming of Christ this Sunday.