August 24

August 24

“We so often try to fit God into our lives and ways of thinking, and he just won’t fit. He didn’t for the Sanhedrin. He didn’t for the sophisticated worldly Christians in Corinth. He won’t for us either. We need to start all over again, giving up our cherished ideas of what God should be like. Most people who reject God have an idea of the God they are rejecting. They have some kind of mental image of God that they have decided is not conceivable. There are a few critics of Christianity who have understood exactly what it is they are rejecting when they reject God, but not many. The cross invites us to throw away such notions, all our idolatrous ideas of God and begin again.”

-Graham Tomlin

15 My eyes are always looking to the Lord
because he will free my feet from the net.

-Psalm 25:15 (Common English Bible)

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